WNYF Magazine

September 1, 2014

Mill Structures–Their Features and Firefighting Operations, Part II

Editor’s Note: This second part of a two-part article focuses on firefighting operations at mill structures. Firefighting operations Fires in mill-constructed buildings pose a tremendous operational challenge. Firefighters must be prepared to engage heavy fire conditions. To fight fires in mill buildings effectively, two major concerns must be dealt with: 1. the large, open area […]

September 1, 2014

Staten Island Box 1194: FDNY Handles Damaged Haz-Mat Container

At 2107 hours on the evening of March 11, 2014, Engines 158, 154 and 157, Ladders 86 and 83, Battalion 22, Marine 9, the Marine Battalion and Tactical Support Unit 2 were dispatched to Staten Island Box 1194, 500 Western Avenue. That address is the main entrance to the New York Container Terminal, formerly known […]

September 1, 2014

Complex Operations in Low-Rise, Fireproof Multiple Dwellings

Low-rise, fireproof multiple dwellings (LRFPMD) present unique challenges to the FDNY. Generally older buildings, they may be found in proximity to high-rise, fireproof multiple dwellings (HRFPMD.) Fires in these structures are complex and they will present problems similar to those found in taller fireproof buildings, while requiring tactics used in HRFPMDs and non-fireproof multiple dwellings […]

September 1, 2014

Not Your Typical 10-24 (Auto Fire)

The Trans-Manhattan Expressway is a small section of expressway that connects the George Washington Bridge (GWB) to the Cross Bronx Expressway. The expressway has two inner roadways that deliver and expel traffic from the upper level of the GWB, while the two outer roadways do that for the lower level of the GWB. It also […]

September 1, 2014

FDNY Rescues Staten Island Worker Down Shaft

Every July brings a proud event to the quarters of Rescue 5 and Engine 160. The Wounded Warriors Project arrives from several locations to meet up at the Clove Road firehouse. This is the kick-off for their week-long visit to the New York City area. They participate in many different water sports and excursions with […]

June 1, 2014

Mill Structures–Their Features and Firefighting Operations, Part I

Editor’s Note: This two-part article will focus on mill construction features and fire protection in the first part. Construction features Mill, also called “heavy timber” and “slow burning” constructed buildings, generally are built as isolated structures to reduce the hazard of fire spreading from one building to another and creating a conflagration. They range from […]

June 1, 2014

Trench Cut Brings Manhattan Five-Alarmer Under Control

On July 22, 2013, Manhattan Box 1584 was received via a verbal alarm at the quarters of Engine 80/Ladder 23. The fire building is on 139th Street, across the street and several buildings down from the firehouse. Engine 80 promptly transmitted a 10-75 for a fire on the top floor of a six-story multiple dwelling. […]

September 1, 2014

Mill Structures–Their Features and Firefighting Operations, Part II

Editor’s Note: This second part of a two-part article focuses on firefighting operations at mill structures. Firefighting operations Fires in mill-constructed buildings pose a tremendous operational challenge. Firefighters must be prepared to engage heavy fire conditions. To fight fires in mill buildings effectively, two major concerns must be dealt with: 1. the large, open area […]

September 1, 2014

Staten Island Box 1194: FDNY Handles Damaged Haz-Mat Container

At 2107 hours on the evening of March 11, 2014, Engines 158, 154 and 157, Ladders 86 and 83, Battalion 22, Marine 9, the Marine Battalion and Tactical Support Unit 2 were dispatched to Staten Island Box 1194, 500 Western Avenue. That address is the main entrance to the New York Container Terminal, formerly known […]

September 1, 2014

Complex Operations in Low-Rise, Fireproof Multiple Dwellings

Low-rise, fireproof multiple dwellings (LRFPMD) present unique challenges to the FDNY. Generally older buildings, they may be found in proximity to high-rise, fireproof multiple dwellings (HRFPMD.) Fires in these structures are complex and they will present problems similar to those found in taller fireproof buildings, while requiring tactics used in HRFPMDs and non-fireproof multiple dwellings […]

September 1, 2014

Not Your Typical 10-24 (Auto Fire)

The Trans-Manhattan Expressway is a small section of expressway that connects the George Washington Bridge (GWB) to the Cross Bronx Expressway. The expressway has two inner roadways that deliver and expel traffic from the upper level of the GWB, while the two outer roadways do that for the lower level of the GWB. It also […]

September 1, 2014

FDNY Rescues Staten Island Worker Down Shaft

Every July brings a proud event to the quarters of Rescue 5 and Engine 160. The Wounded Warriors Project arrives from several locations to meet up at the Clove Road firehouse. This is the kick-off for their week-long visit to the New York City area. They participate in many different water sports and excursions with […]

June 1, 2014

Mill Structures–Their Features and Firefighting Operations, Part I

Editor’s Note: This two-part article will focus on mill construction features and fire protection in the first part. Construction features Mill, also called “heavy timber” and “slow burning” constructed buildings, generally are built as isolated structures to reduce the hazard of fire spreading from one building to another and creating a conflagration. They range from […]

June 1, 2014

Trench Cut Brings Manhattan Five-Alarmer Under Control

On July 22, 2013, Manhattan Box 1584 was received via a verbal alarm at the quarters of Engine 80/Ladder 23. The fire building is on 139th Street, across the street and several buildings down from the firehouse. Engine 80 promptly transmitted a 10-75 for a fire on the top floor of a six-story multiple dwelling. […]