S08, E89 Challenging Manhattan Roof Rope Rescues from FDNY Fireground with members working in Ladder Company 16, Rescue Company 1 and Battalion 9
April 28, 2023
S08, E91 Evolution of Fighting Wind-Impacted Fires in New York City with FDNY Battalion Chief Gerald Tracy (Retired)
June 30, 2023S08, E90 Neonatal Resuscitation: A Vital Response and Emotional Reunion with FDNY EMTs Silverio Moreno and Johnathan Rivera
On August 24, 2020, during the midst of the COVID pandemic outbreak in New York City, Tracy Harris began having severe abdominal pain that prompted her to call 9-1-1 for help. Just prior to EMS arrival, she realized that she was in full active labor (23 weeks pregnant at the time) and her pre-term baby girl had just unexpectedly delivered while she laid on the floor. In this episode, Station 20’s first-arriving EMTs Silverio Moreno and Johnathan Rivera—who had never worked together before—recall how they upgraded the call from OB-OUT to a cardiac arrest as they discovered the newborn baby was not breathing and had no pulse, and the events that followed. Mother and daughter were taken to Jacobi Hospital Medical Center, and eventually both made a complete recovery. In 2023, the patients and their rescuers were reunited at the FDNY’s Second Chance Ceremony; a precious full-circle moment for all. Captain Randy Li hosts.