S05, E54 FDNY EMS On the Frontlines of the COVID-19 Pandemic with Paramedic Kimberley Laychock
May 22, 2020
S05, E56 Top Floor Fires with Lieutenant Michael Scotto
July 24, 2020This episode is being released in conjunction with FDNY Safety Week 2020. For the first time ever, the FDNY is sharing our Safety Week training and information on fdnypro.org. The FDNY and FDNY Foundation would like to thank the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation for making this possible. The theme is: “Get To Know Your Gear,” which focuses on the personal protective equipment (PPE) the Department uses day in and day out. This year, there could not be a more pertinent theme than maintaining protective measures for each member’s personal safety, as well as for the people they interact with. As discussed in this episode with FDNY Chief of Safety Michael Meyers, properly donned PPE is a lifesaving tactic. Battalion Chief Brian Mulry hosts.